I called several roofing companies, and Priority gave me the best impression, best pricing and best assurance. And they indeed did a very professional job, and the garage back wall never got wet again. The second time was when my roof, siding and patio deck were damaged in a hailstorm. Priority again gave me the best impression, best materials, best options and best assurance. The 2 co-owners Josh and Scott both came out to my house, while Josh came repeatedly to inspect, recommend and discuss in detail. Their 2 construction managers also kindly transported, free of charge, a dishwasher from the store to my house, and carried it into the house ? even though it had NOTHING to do with the roof, desk or siding repairs, and moved away, again free of charge, a bunch of odds and ends from my own garage. Josh was very helpful and responsive to any questions or requests. The roof, deck and siding repair/replacement works was completed on time, on budget, with high quality.
If you suspect your home has been damaged in a recent storm, fill out our FREE weather insights report to see how your home was impacted.